Are You a Good Fit for RedPanda’s Services?  | RedPandas Digital
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It’s not uncommon for an agency to pitch you a service before either they or you know whether it’s a right fit. But the problem is, you’re busy and you need to spend your time focusing on the things that move the needle – not on sales calls that might lead to nowhere. We like to know whether we’re a good match before we start talking, so that it saves your time and helps us focus on meaningful relationships where we can actually make an impact. In this article, you’ll find out whether you’re a good fit for any of our services.  

Overview of Services 

We offer three core services:  

  • HubSpot Projects 
  • ‘They Ask, You Answer’ (TAYA) Sales and Marketing Coaching  
  • Digital Marketing Retainer Services  

To see more information around exactly what’s included and the pricing for these, check out our pricing page here.

HubSpot Projects

What does this include?

We provide HubSpot Optimisations, HubSpot Onboarding, and 10-hour support blocks.  

  • HubSpot Optimisations: This package is perfect for you if your team is already setup on HubSpot and you’re looking to optimise, clean up and perfect your team’s HubSpot experience.   
  • HubSpot Onboarding: These packages are for you if your team aren’t currently setup on HubSpot and want assistance setting up correctly and efficiently on the software. We have Done For You and Coaching options available for HubSpot Onboarding.  
  • HubSpot Support blocks: This package is for clients who are already set up on HubSpot and require a specific solution or assistance with their HubSpot portal.   
  • Custom API Integration: This is different based on the use case as every situation varies. 

Are you the right fit for our HubSpot Packages?

To be a good fit for our HubSpot Optimisation service or our HubSpot Onboarding Packages that involve execution from our end plus coaching and training, you should meet all of the below requirements:  

  • You have got HubSpot but are not yet set up properly OR you have got HubSpot and have been actively using it, but feel like your team is not using it to its full capabilities  
  • You are subscribed to the HubSpot Professional or Enterprise Suites 

To be a good fit for our HubSpot onboarding services, you should meet all of the below requirements:  

  • You do not yet have HubSpot but are considering purchasing HubSpot for the first time 
  • You are interested in a HubSpot Professional suite or higher (we can help you determine the right HubSpot suite for you) 
  • You are interested in someone setting it up for you OR coaching you to do it yourself 

On top of this, if you are experiencing any of the following things and you meet the above requirements, then you’re probably a good fit to work with us:  

  • You consider your business as an established small, mid-sized or enterprise level company 
  • You feel like you don’t have a holistic view of marketing and sales 
  • You aren’t tracking revenue generated from marketing efforts 
  • You aren’t tracking individual sales reps performance  
  • You want to generate more leads and close more deals but you don’t have the CRM, Marketing and Sales tools in place to achieve your goals 

TAYA Sales and Marketing Coaching 

What is TAYA Coaching?

While full-service marketing retainers are the common trend across agencies and is something we offer, we believe that there is a better approach to create growth in your business. This is where Done By You Coaching & Training comes into play (aka ‘They Ask, You Answer’ Sales and Marketing Coaching).   

Our Done By You service involves providing you with a coach (and in some cases various coaches), whom you will work with to:  

TAYA Sales and Marketing Coaching is your opportunity to insource your marketing, by building your own team and processes with the help of a coach, so that you never need an external marketing agency again. We offer three different packages for this, all specified in detail on our pricing page. 

Are you the right fit for TAYA Sales and Marketing Coaching? 

For a deep dive into whether TAYA is right for you, check out the article we wrote here. 

For an overview on this, TAYA Coaching is right for your business if you meet four key criteria:  

  1. You (and your business) has the willingness to address buyer concerns transparently on your website. This means writing content around what we call the Big 5 Topics. Unfortunately, there is sometimes reluctance from businesses to write content around these topics 
  2. You have leadership buy-in, meaning that senior leaders in your marketing, sales and leadership team are bought into the idea of implementing TAYA in your business. If senior leadership does not believe in TAYA, or if they’re not willing to be a part of the journey that TAYA involves, then the revenue generating effort will be for naught.   
  3. Willingness to invest in growing your own marketing and sales team 
  4. At least $2M in revenue and at least one marketing point of contact and one sales point of contact in your team. The average size of TAYA clients are $10M+ in revenue and the largest up to $500M in revenue. We have packages at the smaller range as well. 

On top of meeting these requirements, you have to have an actual need to achieve at least one of these things:  

  • You have a sales/marketing problem or are not satisfied with your current year on year growth 
  • Developing an in house marketing and sales team so that you no longer need to outsource your marketing 
  • Training and coaching so that your sales and marketing teams reach their full potential, implement the right processes and collaborate together effectively 
  • Generating qualified traffic and leads, and closing more sales 

If you don’t meet the aforementioned requirements or you don’t have a need for these things, then TAYA might not be right for your business.  

Digital Marketing Retainer Services 

What do our Digital Marketing Retainers include? 

While we recommend and prefer coaching businesses to in source their marketing and sales, some businesses will still prefer to outsource. As such, we do offer Digital Marketing Retainer Services to businesses that are a good fit for this.  

Our process involves running a strategic workshop with your team in order to identify the goals, barriers and challenges, and direction for growth that is best suited for your team. Based on this workshop, we build a personalised roadmap which details everything we plan on executing in a specified timeline. Following this, we then officially execute the roadmap, step by step.   

Our offering can include any combination of the following depending on the context of our customer and the package chosen:   

  • Quarterly content marketing plan  
  • Quality articles written per month  
  • Long form purchase stage articles per month  
  • SEO & link building  
  • Paid media management & media buying  
  • Social media management  
  • Videos & video training for your internal teams  
  • Monthly Facebook & Instagram campaigns to promote content  
  • Detailed performance report / lead acquisition report in Google Data Studio  
  • Monthly email newsletter  
  • Quarterly lead funnel generation campaign  
  • HubSpot /  marketing automation management  
  • Design and development support (four-hour banks)  
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) and onsite lead optimisation 

For info on our digital marketing retainer services check out our pricing page. 

Are You the Right Fit for Our Digital Marketing Retainer Services? 

Digital Marketing Retainer services are best suited to businesses that want to achieve specific digital marketing outcomes but do not want to or do not have the capability to grow their own internal team.  

This is where letting us handle things can be beneficial.  

In particular, this service is right for you if:  

  • You can invest a minimum of $5000 per month in agency fees 
  • You do not have the capability to build an internal team OR do not want to for a specific reason  
  • You want to increase website traffic, leads and sales  

Some of the downsides of digital marketing retainer services to consider include:  

  • Speaking in your brand’s authentic voice is a challenge  
  • Speed of execution is slower  
  • You’re competing with the agency’s other clients  
  • When the bills stop, so too does the results  
  • More expensive in the long term  

However, some of the pros to consider are:  

  • The work will be done for you, so you don’t need to spend as many resources on marketing.   
  • Faster to execute initially as you can rely on the agency’s direction  
  • Cheaper in the short term

Next Step if You’re the Right Fit

Now that you have a grasp on the services we offer and the requirements you need to meet to be a good fit, it’s time to move on to the next step.  

If you’re ready to work with us, you’ll want to double check our pricing first. Check out our pricing page here. If our prices are within your capabilities, you can contact us here. We’ll book a call with you and make sure that you’re the right fit for us, and if you are, we’ll work together to create success for your business.  

On the other hand, if you need more information on any of our services, here’s a list of resource pages that you might find helpful:  


TAYA Coaching: 

Some of the Digital Marketing Retainer Services we offer: