Best Customer Feedback Tools for Businesses of All Sizes  | RedPandas Digital
Best Customer Feedback Tools for Businesses of All Sizes

Best Customer Feedback Tools for Businesses of All Sizes 

Things have shifted in favour of the customer. Thanks to the internet, buyers can easily research and learn about products and services without talking to a salesperson. This means that customers have more control over where they spend their money and who they give it to. So, why is this important?  

Things have shifted in favour of the customer. Thanks to the internet, buyers can easily research and learn about products and services without talking to a salesperson. This means that customers have more control over where they spend their money and who they give it to. So, why is this important?  

Well, it means you have to focus on what the customer wants and needs. You have to answer their questions, solve their problems, and help them make good choices.

By doing this, you not only build trust with potential customers but also increase your chances of making sales.

But how do you know what customers want and need?

One great way is by getting feedback from them. It’s a simple but powerful method for shaping your business strategies.

In this article, you’ll learn about the best tools for collecting customer feedback. These tools are suitable for businesses of all sizes, and they’ll help you listen to your customers and make your business even better.

Why Are Customer Feedback Tools Important 

In today’s world, where information is just a few clicks away, customers have more power than ever before.  

They can research, compare, and decide on products or services without even engaging with a salesperson.

It’s a buyer’s market, and businesses need to adapt to this new reality. 

And this brings us to Customer Feedback Tools. Here’s why Customer Feedback Tools are so important:  

  • Understanding Your Customers Better: Customer feedback tools provide valuable insights into what your customers think, feel, and need. By listening to their feedback, you can gain a deeper understanding of their preferences and pain points 
  • Improving Products and Services: Armed with customer feedback, you can make data-driven improvements to your products or services. This not only helps you meet customer expectations but also stay ahead of the competition 
  • Building Trust and Loyalty: When customers see that you value their opinions and act on their feedback, it builds trust. Trust is the foundation of long-lasting customer relationships and brand loyalty 
  • Identifying Issues Early: Customer feedback tools can alert you to problems or issues before they escalate. This proactive approach allows you to address concerns swiftly and prevent customer churn 
  • Tailoring Your Marketing: Understanding your customers’ needs allows you to create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns. You can speak directly to their pain points and offer solutions 

In a nutshell, customer feedback tools empower you to put your customers first, align your strategies with their needs, and ultimately, drive business growth.  

Best Customer Feedback Tools 

So now you know that Customer Feedback Tools are important, but which tools should you use?  

The Best Customer Feedback Tools to use are:  


Typeform is an online survey tool that allows you to create engaging and interactive surveys, forms, and questionnaires. It’s known for its user-friendly interface and flexibility in designing surveys. 

gif of typeform

Key Features: 

  • Customisable templates for surveys and forms 
  • A wide range of question types, including multiple choice, open-ended, and rating scales 
  • Conditional logic to tailor questions based on responses 
  • Integration with various platforms for data collection and analysis 
  • Mobile-responsive surveys for gathering feedback on multiple devices 

You can check out Typeform’s pricing plan here or sign up for their free plan here. 

How to Use Typeform for Customer Feedback: 

Typeform is ideal for creating engaging customer feedback surveys. You can design surveys that match your brand’s style and tone, making it more appealing to respondents.  

You might want to collect feedback on some of the following:  

  • Product experiences 
  • Customer support interactions 
  • Overall satisfaction 

The conditional logic feature allows you to ask follow-up questions based on specific responses, so you can get really nitty gritty with how you build these surveys. If you do it right, you can learn a lot about your customers.  


UserTesting is a comprehensive user research platform that allows businesses to gather feedback directly from their target audience.  

It offers a wide range of user testing methods, including website testing, prototype testing, and app usability testing. 

Key Features: 

  • Access to a panel of users representing diverse demographics 
  • Video recordings of real users interacting with your website or application 
  • Detailed user feedback and insights 
  • Integration with various user research tools 
  • Mobile and desktop testing capabilities 
screenshot of key features of usertesting

How to Use ‘UserTesting’ for Customer Feedback: 

UserTesting is invaluable for understanding how real users interact with your digital products.  

You can create tasks and scenarios for users to complete while recording their actions and listening to their thoughts. This tool provides actionable insights into user behaviour, pain points, and areas for improvement.  

The best things to test with this tool include  

  • Website usability 
  • App interfaces 
  • New features 


Hotjar is an all-in-one analytics and feedback platform that helps you understand your website visitors’ behaviour. It provides heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys to gather insights. 

Key Features: 

  • Heatmaps to visualise user interactions 
  • Session recordings to watch real user journeys on your website or app 
  • Surveys for collecting feedback 
  • Funnel analysis to optimise conversions 
  • Feedback polls for instant insights 

How to Use Hotjar for Customer Feedback 

Hotjar allows you to see how visitors engage with your website, identify drop-off points, and collect feedback through surveys and polls. It’s excellent for understanding user behaviour and making data-driven improvements on your website.  

If your website doesn’t get much website traffic, then consider increasing your traffic first before implementing Hotjar.  

Hotjar offers a free plan so you can get started right away. Simply head over to their pricing page and click get started on whichever plan works best for you. 

Zoho PageSense 

Google Optimise would have been on this list, but since Google cancelled that service, Zoho PageSense is one of the other alternatives you can choose from.  

PageSense is a conversion rate optimisation tool that helps businesses improve their website’s performance by analysing user interactions and feedback. 

Key Features: 

  • Heatmaps for visualising user behaviour 
  • A/B testing for optimising web pages 
  • Funnel analysis for identifying conversion bottlenecks 
  • Feedback widget for collecting user opinions 
  • Integration with Zoho CRM and other tools 

It can pretty much do everything Hotjar does, but it also gives you the ability to a/b test on your website. For example, you can create three different designs of the same page, and set it so that one third of your traffic goes to page one, one third to page two, and the last third to page three. You can do this without editing your actual website, all from PageSense. By doing this, you can find out what designs, copy and elements work best at converting users.  

But there’s a caveat – PageSense doesn’t offer any free plans.  

screenshot of zoho pagesense pricing plans

Zoho PageSense plans start from $30 AUD per month, and increase as you move up plans or increase the number of site visitors your website gets. If you pay yearly, you can save 40% on the monthly costs.  

Check out this page to compare Zoho PageSense’s pricing


Qualaroo is a customer feedback platform that specialises in website surveys and user feedback collection. It enables businesses to understand customer sentiment and pain points. 

While Hotjar and PageSense also offer this feature, Qualaroo offer this as their core feature, so you might find that you can do more with these surveys.  

Key Features: 

  • Targeted website surveys 
  • Feedback analytics and reporting 
  • Integration with popular tools 
  • Mobile-friendly survey designs 
  • NPS (Net Promoter Score) tracking 

Here’s a full list of their features and solutions:  

screenshot of qualaroo features and solutions

If you’re looking to double down on surveys as your main customer feedback method, you might want to check out Qualaroo.  

Keep in mind that the free plan offers only 50 survey responses, after which you’ll need to spend $19.99 per month (paid yearly) or $39.99 per month (paid monthly). Check out their pricing page here. 


Delighted is a customer feedback platform that focuses on measuring customer satisfaction through Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys. 

What is NPS? 

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure used to gauge customer loyalty, satisfaction, and enthusiasm with a company that’s calculated by asking customers one question: “On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this product/company to a friend or colleague?”  

As you can see, NPS surveys are extremely important for your business. And Delighted specialises in NPS Surveys.  

Key Features of Delighted: 

  • NPS surveys with customisable questions 
  • Feedback collection via email, web, and SMS 
  • Real-time analytics and reporting 
  • Integration with CRM and helpdesk software 

Delighted offers a free plan as well as three paid plans, and integrates with CRMs like HubSpot and Salesforce.  

screenshot of delighted pricing plans

Poll Everywhere 

Poll Everywhere is an audience response system that allows businesses to gather real-time feedback from audiences during presentations, webinars, or live events. 

Poll Everywhere is perfect for gathering immediate feedback during live presentations or events. It engages the audience and provides valuable insights into their opinions and preferences. 

Key Features: 

  • Live audience polling and engagement 
  • Integration with presentation tools 
  • Real-time results and reporting 
  • Multiple question types (multiple-choice, open-ended, etc.) 

You probably only want to use Poll Everywhere if you host virtual events or webinars.  

Poll Everywhere has 5 plans, including a free plan and an Enterprise plan:  

screenshot of polleverywhere pricing plans

You can check out a detailed view of the differences between each plan here. 

Google Forms 

Google Forms is for your business if you want to collect feedback through surveys (including NPS Surveys) but don’t want to pay.  

It’s a free, simple, survey tool that enables users to create custom forms and surveys for collecting a wide range of data, including customer feedback. 

Key Features: 

  • Easy form creation and customisation 
  • Multiple question types 
  • Collaboration with team members 
  • Data collection and analysis 
  • Integration with Google Workspace 

While it might not be the prettiest and might not offer all of the features that some of the other survey tools on this list offer, it is a free alternative that gets the job done.  


Reddit can be used as more of a customer research tool than a customer feedback tool, but it’s so good at helping you understand customer motivators and pain points that we had to include it on this list.  

Reddit is a social media platform with numerous communities (subreddits) where users discuss various topics, including products and services. 

Let’s try an experiment.  

Think about your product or service, and think about what a typical buyer who is looking for that service might type in Google. For example, if you sell swimming pools, “swimming pools” would be it. But if you sold digital marketing services, you might choose something more specific, like “Facebook ads services.”  

Now, type that phrase in Google followed by “Reddit”. For example, “swimming pools reddit.” Here’s what came up when we searched this:  

screenshot of reddit results

In the above image, you can see the result “Any regrets getting a pool?” Upon clicking on that post, here’s what you can see:  

screenshot of reddit results

Just from this post, you can learn about an uncertainty that potential customers might have before buying a swimming pool, and the advice that other customers who have already bought have. This is an invaluable piece of knowledge, which you can use to guide your marketing messages as well as sales.  

Do note that you might have to play around with the initial phrase you search on Google to get the right sort of posts popping up.  

While this isn’t a customer feedback tool, we had to include it on this list because of the value that it can have.  

Remember, It’s Buyer First 

In today’s buyer-centric landscape, understanding and meeting your customers’ needs is the key to success. Customer feedback is your compass, guiding you towards the right decisions and improvements. 


  • The power is now firmly in the hands of consumers. They want businesses to prioritise their interests and provide solutions that address their pain points 
  • Collecting customer feedback is one of the easiest and most effective ways to shape your strategy and build trust with potential buyers 

These tools empower you to gather opinions, analyse data, and make informed decisions.  

Whether you’re a small business or an enterprise, there’s a customer feedback tool that can help you understand your customers better. 

Remember, the customer’s voice is your most valuable asset. By actively seeking their feedback, you can continuously improve your products, services, and overall customer experience. 

On the journey to building trust with buyers and creating evangelists for your brand, you need to focus on answering customer questions. To do this, you might want to start writing blogs around the five most common types of queries that buyers have.  

🔎 Read: Best 5 Topics to Drive Traffic, Leads & Sales 

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