HubSpot Reporting Options, Dashboard Alternatives + Preparing for #INBOUND18 | Episode 95 | RedPandas Digital

HubSpot Reporting Options, Dashboard Alternatives + Preparing for #INBOUND18 | Episode 95

HubSpot, like any Marketing Automation suite, can be a powerful an invaluable tool to nurture your leads into customers. One…

HubSpot, like any Marketing Automation suite, can be a powerful an invaluable tool to nurture your leads into customers. One of the biggest problems we see however, is how do you extract all that juicy data about where your leads and customers are coming from, sources and other pipeline info in one easy to use and understand place? In this episode we discuss HubSpot reporting, what’s it’s great for, limitations and alternatives.

Plus, #INBOUND18 is around the corner! Moby shares his tips on how to make the most of it this year.

Buzz 1: #INBOUND18, How to Make the Most of it

Summary of (4) key tips:

1) Record your learning journey highlight

Record an audio or video session of your own key highlights daily, preferably with another person. The mere act of recording something will force you to organise your thoughts into defined themes and ofcourse, serves as a medium you can watch them back later.

2) Create separate notes for each session and for your business

In addition to making notes for each session like most people do, have a separate section in your notes where you record actual implications and ideas for your business/department/clients.

3) Book time with other people

“The magic happens in the corridors”. Every day try to book/schedule one conversation with a person a day. It could be with a booth holder, it could be with a speaker, it could be with someone in your industry or someone who does something you do in another geography.

4) Go to the evening events, parties etc

Great opportunity to network with experts without filters!

Buzz 2: HubSpot Reporting Alternatives


Resource article: The HubSpot Analytics Dashboards You’ve Always Wanted



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